This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2011: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;
Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2007

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Oh, Hail! Thunderstorm on Sat. 04-11-09 Midland, TX

No wonder that with global warming the weather patterns really are non-existent. Meteorologists cannot even predict the weather. Anymore, we just rely on how our bodies are feeling and what the arthritic pains decide. Today has been quite hellacious here in west Texas. Midland itself is seeing hail unlike any I can recall since moving here in 1996. The storm bringing all this rain and hail started at around 7:00 PM; we had hail the size of golf balls, ping-pongs, and even a baseball sized one or more. At around 7:50 PM, we were slammed by another mini round of marble sized hail. This round came and went rather fast. Sara and I decided to do some spring cleaning to prep for the family and friends who will be staying here the weekend of May 9th, 2009. That is when she is going to receive her Master's degree in history. Yea, she will be "hooded". Anyway, in anticipation of the house-full of peeps, we are prepping the house with paint, molding, chair-rail molding, tile and such that we purchased over a year ago. We had to take several breaks this eve to make sure all was o.k. with the storm. No broken windows and so far it appears our roof sustained no damage. Unfortunately, our nephew Rudy 's home across town seems to have taken the brunt of this storm and his carport and two of his vehicles (including their new SUV) were damaged. Prayers are with Rudy & Veronica and their two girls, Gabby and Gracie. If they need anything, their family will surely help including his Auntie Dora. The storm is headed eastward which means the rest of the family in Big Spring & Coahoma are due to see this storm within a matter of minutes. The thunderstorm is huge on doppler radar. Some areas (counties) southeast of here (Glasscock & Howard) have just been placed on tornado warning. The clouds here in Midland were ominous in appearance. I hope and pray that our family is o.k. when the storm reaches them over there. A few pics of the left-overs that this storm left behind this eve.

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