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Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2007

Thursday, April 30, 2009

H1N1: don't blame the pig or Mexico for swine flu

It was a very interesting article I read today via Time magazine (online). Read full article via the following link:,8599,1894703,00.html?cnn=yes
It seems some countries are panicking over this swine flu and others just don't trust their respective government and feel that they are not being told the entire truth. My question..When did any country's government ever tell their citizenry the entire truth (rhetorical). I am not sure what to make of all of this as it has gone into two weeks now that it was first reported.
Once again it appears that man is to blame as man was the one who started bringing together all types of animals for farming/ranching/breeding purposes; animals who were not usually kept together are now sharing their germs and bacterias and illnesses. They are cross-contaminating one another. There is a reason why certain animals and types of animals were found in certain parts of the world. Maybe they were supposed to remain apart. Man decided to bring them together. That is a reason why I strongly oppose cross-breeding of any domesticated animal with various species or exotic/wild animals for that matter. Like for instance, a Chihuahua who is bred with an Alaskan Huskie is just wrong. A Siamese cat cross-bred with a Jaguar is wrong. Genome factors are proving that doing this is wrong, not morally as I believe we all answer moral issues to a Higher Being, but it is wrong for reasons of health & safety. Think about the cross contamination of animals and certain illnesses which often plague them. If they are put into an area with other animals, it is only natural for them to contract one another's illnesses. It happens to humans all of the time. Ppl usually send sickly kids to school instead of keeping them at home until they get better or ppl go to work all sickly and such and because of this, more ppl become ill and it takes longer for illnesses to go away and actually makes illnesses dissipate. It is the same concept in not keeping sick ppl separate from one another and not keeping animals separate from one another whether seemingly sick or not. Seems obvious to me that humans are once again to blame for all of these flus, viruses that we are seeing. It is the "law of probability" coming to bite us in the rear. Not a pandemic of epic proportions as some are thinking and thus reverting to biblical teachings for signs of Armageddon. It is the humans, we did this. Please let's leave the Lord out of this one, He has better things to do, although He does expect us to fix it. We are guests in His domain and we need to clean up after ourselves and fast.

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