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Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2007

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Being clean...the best option to avoiding certain illnesses

The best measure I believe in and have implemented in our own home is to be very well informed. There is just too much data available to us via the Net to not be informed. For instance the swine flu of late, I have spent much time researching it for myself and for my loved ones. Now whether ppl take what I say seriously is strictly up to them.
The next best thing my household and I can also do is to be cautiously clean. Keeping a clean home has always been part of my OCD so that is no problem for me (might be for Sara who lives with me - the OCD part - that is). I could write a book detailing how to thoroughly clean a home, then when you have cleaned it as such, how to merely spot clean it going forward so that you keep it safe & healthy enough for your loved ones and yourself while avoiding embarrassing moments when ppl arrive unexpectedly and/or uninvited (all the same). Being at home so much has helped me discover these things. That's just the way I run my household; I believe in keeping a clean enough home to be ready for guests - at any time, day or night.
Another excellent deterrent for avoiding certain sickness and such should come way of washing our hands. It should be a priority and something we do without second thought, but as I have witnessed and been very appalled over in public restrooms and in other locations where washing hands should be a must, many ppl do not bother with washing their hands. Or if they do, they do not use soap or do not take the 30 second rule to heart. 30 seconds of thoroughly washing one's hands with soap. No need for anti-bacterial ones either, just plain ole soap will suffice. I just read another article via the Food Safety Site that anti-bacterial soaps (or other anti-bacterial substances)are okay for occasional usage, but not for constant use as it can seriously weaken and/or kill off weaker, more susceptible bacteria, leaving tougher, more resistant bacteria in their place. The conclusions were that antibacterial products, including soaps, are not necessary for the adequate removal of bacteria.
My thoughts to that...use soap- regular soap. Dove always worked best for me as does Dial, and as for washing dishes, I keep to Dawn and maybe will begin to sway from being amiss about anti-bacterial products ($$$ could be cheaper $$$) and just buy regular products. Maybe I can hold onto my better bacteria so that the worse ones don't keep threatening my immune system and not be so fast to buy everything anti-bacterial. However, I must say that I will still buy certain anti-bacterial products at my own discretion. Bleach should also be one's friend. Yes, it is potent and there is no doubting this cleaning product's ability at all but to be used in moderation and with safety in mind.

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