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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"Operation Walküre" - Deutschland - 20.Juli, 1944

(click on caricature to the right for artisit info>>>) "Operation Walküre" - Deutschland - 20.Juli, 1944 English Translation: "Operation Valkyrie" - Germany - July 20th, 1944
2 things have motivated me here of late into writing about this most fascinating, important and little known aspect of Hitler's opposer's during WWII.
1) The movie "VALKYRIE" starring Tom Cruise. He dons the role of protagonist, Claus von Strauffenberg. I must admit that although I am an avid Tom Cruise fan, I am a bit perplexed as to why an American has been chosen to star in such a poignant movie about a group of German Army soldiers involved in a complex and dangerous plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. Plus, it appears that Tom is without a German accent. Hmmm!
2) One of Sara's history classes (graduate program) is currently dabbling in all things related to Hitler. I share her love of history so each time she studies on a certain topic, I find myself learning as much as I can about it as well. Most often, I find out details (major or minor) about certain aspects that occurred in different events in history and it captures my interest.
The events leading up to "Operation Valkyrie" have certainly captured my interest being that it was an ordeal which certain members of the German Resistance planned and had courage to implement. 64 years later, we know that this plan failed, but I ask myself...'why did it take 64 years for people to know about the plot to kill Hitler?'. I did not really know it in this much detail nor with so much proof that it did happen. I learned about "a" plan, but I left it to rumor since there were so many stories of people who wanted to kill der Führer ("the leader"). I just decided in my ignorance of so many years that such a thing probably never happened. U.S. schools really do a bad job of teaching certain historical events and they often turn things around so our country does not look bad. It is up to us, as citizens, to do all we can to educate ourselves more than what we learn in school. The Internet is a great place to begin as are our library systems.
The historical implications of operation Valkyrie are so huge. Since it is not well known in our country (USA) or known at all, we are seriously in danger of repeating that sort of history so I am grateful for the producers of the movie which has begun a huge interest and following by people wanting to know the truth. The thing we should all learn from this event is to not allow any one person or group to nab and sustain so much power. In stating that, I am so grateful for being close to ridding the USA of "W" and his cronies who were so close in bringing this great country to similar ill fates. The ideas, views and opinions of all people should be heard and given consideration. Our country, these last 8 years of having been under the "reign" of a fundamentalist-loving president, who did what he pleased whether legal or not, almost shadowed events similar under Hitler and his Nazis (SS). Imagine a world power (USA) succumbing to the ideas and leadership of a handful of man-men like Germany did. Thanks goodness for the change coming our way in this country next January 20th, 2009.
Back to events leading up to OP Valkyrie. Germans were suffering and still in distress from the "Treaty of Versailles". Hunger was all too common, money was very scarce if not nil. Just like our (U.S.) great depression but maybe multiplied to them. Anyway, in 1919, this peace treaty, which ended WWI between Germany and allied powers, left Germany having to make provisions. Some of those were that Germany had to accept responsibility for causing the war, to disarm, to make certain territorial concessions, and to make reparations to certain countries which had formed the Entente Powers (U.S., Russian Empire, British Empire, France, Italy, Empire of Japan). Entente is french for agreement. So years later when Hitler politicked as leader of the National Socialist Party (Nazis), he made promises of a prominent Germany. A pure and true and greater Germany. Everyone knows the lead he took to gain his power esp making Germans believe that non-Germans were a threat to them in all aspects in life. Jews (Juden) were the enemy as were homosexuals and such. The term "Judenfrage" (German for "Jewish question") was a Nazi term for "final resolution" ("Die Endlösung")...their final plan for ridding themselves of the Jews ala genocide. Much propaganda made Germans both fear and loathe Jews. In January 1933, Hitler was made Chancellor of Germany supposedly by President Paul von Hindenburg at the advise of his closest advisors. In March 1933, a law was passed which granted Hitler dictatorial powers. Thus, unions were abolished as were political parties forbidden except for the National Socialist. Upon President Hindenburg's death, Hitler abolished the office of the President and there was no one left who could present an effective challenge to Nazi power. Germans swore an oath to Hitler, not to country and not to Nazis, but to Hitler.
Many underground resistance groups were forming. Underground because opposition to Hitler was treason. One such group was known as the White Rose. It was formed by 5 students in their early twenties based out of the University of Munich in 1942. They became known for an anonymous leaflet campaign, lasting from June 1942 until February 1943. Their modus operandi, if you will, was in being united by Christian beliefs of tolerance and non-violence and they protested curvings of individual freedoms under Nazi regime. They called for the opposition of Hitler (+Nazis), his removal from power and the end to the insanity of WWII. The three most prominent members to date are...Sophie Scholl, her brother, Hans Scholl, and their very good friend, Christoph Probst. Their fame (and part of Hitler's infamy) is attributed to their capture and arrest on February 18th, 1943 for writing and distributing stacks of Leaflet Number 6. After being tried and convicted of treason, nearly 4 short days later, they were beheaded.
After the fall of Hitler and his Nazi regime, several Germans still believed that all members of the resistance were traitors. Including Claus von Strauffenberg who placed the actual bomb in his attempt to kill Hitler. Claus along with 3 other main conspirators of the July 20th assassination attempt, were arrested just 12 hours after the foiled plot. General Fromm (traitor to the resistance and to the conspirators and in a vain attempt to save his own life) ordered the capture of Claus, his aide, and two other officers and immediately ordered that the 4 be put to death for treason by firing squad. Fromm later underwent similar fate.
Hundreds of other conspirators of July 20th were captured and tried by the very judge who tried the Scholls and Christoph. They were sentenced to hang but the animals that the Nazis were, they were ordered to be hung using very thin but strong ropes so that they would suffer great pain prior to death. Sara said that her Prof said that often piano wire was used as well. It was a few years later when Germany was split into 2 separate states that Germans finally started viewing the conspirators as heroes and patriots of Germany rather than the traitors as they once viewed them. Germany's two separate states were as follows:
1) Federalist Republic of Germany...they were under rule of 3 zones lead separately by the British, the French and the United States.
2) German Democratic Republic...this was a zone lone controlled by Russia. It contained Berlin which as we all know, was later (1961) divided east and west.
The invasion lead by allies in April 1945 ended the Nazi regime with Hitler supposedly having ended his own life. They said they invaded Germany but not as Liberators but as Conquerors.
Post WWII, members of the resistance and the conspirators of July 20th came to be known as patriots...the Remer Case of 1952 concluded this, but still too many Germans thought otherwise. The events which ensued after Germany split into two separate states and more suffering came to their country, helped to reinforce many more German's views to finally see them as patriots.
In 1955, West Germany joined NATO. Any officer who wanted to join the new German Army was asked a series of questions. One being what was their view of the conspirators of July 20th, whether they believed they were traitors and if they believe they had honorable motives. If they said they believed the conspirators were traitors, they were ineligible for officer's commission. Berthold von Strauffenberg, son of Claus, always believed his father a hero so in 1956 he joined West Germany's new Army soon after it was finally established.
In Sept 14, 1952, the 4 major conspirators, including Claus von Strauffenberg were finally honored with a plaque in the courtyard of Plötzensee Prison. The very prison where the four and several other conspirators were executed. Some still disagree that such an honor should have been bestowed. I completely disagree with them. I am glad that the 4 were recognized and will be remembered for their honor and bravery during such turmoil which brought certain death if you opposed Hitler and his Nazis. Let it stand in memory of what Germany went through and what atrocities went unnoticed and committed by Hitler lest we forget!
Let it be a blotch against Hilter and the Nazis, let it be their shame. Let it be the victory cry of all Jews, homosexuals, members of the resistance, the conspirators, of all who suffered, all who died or lost loved ones that their sufferings were not forgotten nor in vain.
Let the cries be loud with indignity and the echoes heard around the world for all to hear..."look what the mad-man did"!

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