This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2011: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;
Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2007

Monday, November 5, 2012

My Fearless Prediction: President Obama and VP Biden Will Win Re-election! Electoral College: POTUS Will Wind Up At About 303!

President Obama 303: In My Fearless Prediction, POTUS Wins Re-election and Reaches 303 In Electoral College.

November 5, 2012 - 10:29 PM (CDT)
In my fearless prediction, I say President Obama wins re-election and at least reaches 303 in the electoral college - the process not an actual place.  LOL! 
If Florida's or Ohio's Republican Governors, Secretary(s) of State, and election officials don't muck things up as they have done in past years and most recently in weeks and days leading up to tomorrow's election, we should know by tomorrow night if President Obama will return to star as our champion in cause.  I say he wins because we are tired of the b/s and the lies spewed by the right and Romney's strong disconnect with the "47%", with women, with Latinos, with college students, with the middle class, with the poor and despondent, with the LGBT community, and with the elderly.  Pretty much the majority of this awesome country does not really like, trust, or understand Romney therefore we cannot support him thus we will not be voting for him.  There's no hate for him (not like the kind the right has for President Obama), we just do not 'get him' and that is his fault for being the biggest flip flopper of all time in politics and such a good liar.
Like I stated, we should-should-should know if POTUS wins re-election by tomorrow night, but everyone needs to get out and vote regardless of long voting lines and such.  We have seen voters in other states have to wait in long lines thanks to representatives and officials whom I referred to above but there they were waiting and in places where the voting places were shut down early for one stupid right-winged/GOP-led reason, the voters remained until the officials re-opened the election place.  Americans are strong and strong-willed and we will not be stifled or denied our rights.
Per the cartoon I drew on my Political Blog on October 6th, 2012...let's not forget Florida 2000.  You know the presidential election when one Gov Jeb Bush (W's brother) and Florida's SOS Katherine Harris purposely screwed up that presidential election which led to things ending badly for Al Gore who won the popular vote but because of the electoral college and Florida's muck-up, the U.S. Supreme Court "selected" George W. Bush as our 43rd president.  We need to vote and "elect" our president and not leave things up to any court to "select" one for us - not again!!!

2012 Presidential Election: Obama's "Last Hurrah"!: POTUS Gives Last Campaign Speech Of His Career In Iowa!

November 5, 2012 - 10:15 PM (CDT)
It was an awesome speech and an awesome event to witness for me if even from thousands of miles away via the television (MSNBC).  It was a somber yet uplifting speech.  Somber for me because it meant it would be the last time we would witness President Obama give a campaign speech but uplifting because he still has another shot at another four years to serve us and to make things way better for us than what the right does.  
I realize that although for the last four years many of his ideas and promises have been thwarted (thanks to the right) and have taken longer to come to fruition and many not yet implemented or enacted, we still have someone like President Obama to champion for us.  Yep, he is our champion, our voice in Washington...for the left, even for the right, for the elderly, for the poor, for the middle class (which is decreasing), whether you support him or not, if you are not wealthy, this man is your champion - your advocate.  The hard-right, the Neo-cons, the wealthy...they have lobbyists and big money on their side to fight for their cause (which usually benefits the wealthy and only the wealthy) and to ensure that their ideologies and voices are heard and brought to fruition of some sort.  The rest of us need representation like that and if Mr. Obama wins re-election as I predict he will (E-303), it gives millions of us something to be uplifted for and another four years to look forward to as Obama will surely be more able to get more positive things done for the sake of our country.
Yes, indeed it was a wonderful speech to witness this late evening as President Obama gave thanks to the millions who have supported him for the last four arduous, difficult years.  But oh so uplifting as we heard him speak so eloquently and honestly about how his work - our work was in need of finishing as he asked for four more years.  At one time he quickly yet gently brushed aside a tear as he appeared to be fighting his emotional side from superseding his words, he reminisced about how it all began back during the primaries when few knew him much less how to pronounce his name.  It all began for him in Iowa in 2007/08 as his newbies to the political arena and himself began the trek at trying to just win the Democratic nomination first which was starting to look stark and all too daunting but his second wind literally and figuratively began thanks to his supporters and voters in Iowa.  Thanks to one supporter in Greenwood, Iowa Edith Childs he and his staff got their second wind through her battle cry known as: “Fired up! Ready to go!”!!!  We all know how things turned out and here we are again four years later ready to re-elect the best person for the job of POTUS!
It was a chilling experience, a good one because it literally gave me chills and inspiration as President Obama gave his final campaign speech of his career, but I reminded myself to keep things in perspective to that one fact because if things go as I believe, we will see President Obama in the Oval Office for four more years.  It was the campaign speeches for himself that has come to an end, his "last hurrah"...his work as POTUS has just begun for the next four years if voters do the best thing for our great nation tomorrow night and vote him back so we can all move "forward"!  Just as he was ending the speech, he did re-invigorate this supporter of his to get as Edith would say: “Fired up! Ready to go!”!!!
In my fearless prediction, I say President Obama wins re-election and at least reaches 303 in the electoral college - the process not an actual place.  LOL!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Love Them Dems: 2012 First Presidential Debate: Obama Vs. Romney: Elementary My Fellow Americans, Elementary...the A, B, C's Of This Debate!

The meaning of the A, B, C's (aloof, bored, caustic) per POTUS during the first presidential debate were at first unknown to us as we saw President Obama react so nonchalantly to the lies and punches that his opponent Mitt Romney kept throwing his way.  All we knew, and I stress "we" as a member of the Centrist voters who will be voting for Mr. Obama no matter what is that we waited the entire evening for POTUS to deliver a packing punch himself.  To go for the proverbial jugular or at the least to just mention the 47% of Americans whom were disenfranchised by Romney as people he clearly did not care for, see eye-to-eye with or worry about at all.  POTUS failed to mention that as well as Bain, the terrible Medicare plan that Romney's Veep Mate has proposed which will be detrimental to the elderly.  POTUS failed to call Romney on so many lies which he (Mitt) told..."say it isn't so, POTUS!"...this was my war cry last night each time the president failed to pounce on this Judas-liar of an opponent.  
Nonetheless the evening ended with the president appearing as if he did not want to be there.  Perhaps Romney was just not his equal in his eyes therefore Mr. Obama dismissed him after all, he IS the president.  Hey, dismissive can stand for the letter "D" of the A, B, C's.  Maybe POTUS instead preferred to be spending the night with FLOTUS (Michelle) celebrating their 20th anniversary.  All I know is that POTUS was uninterested and sort of restless.
Whatever the reason for POTUS's decision to allow Romney to 'run the table' as he did could be an ingenious method and/or idea that we (the American voters, political pundits, etc.) just do not see yet.  Maybe POTUS allowed Romney to run the gamut and tell all those lies as a way to allow Mitt to further hang himself so that the "Monday morning quarterbacks" (a.k.a. media spin-masters) and fact-checkers could dwell over that and recall the untruths line by line the next day and for several days to follow until the next debate.  Maybe POTUS with-held so much so as to not appear mean-spirited himself...maybe his reserved nature was to let the pig eat like a pig.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

Repubs Gone Wild: Sugar High: Romney and Co. Still Refuse To Acknowledge the Post-DNC Bounce, Call It A Sugar High!

Four days ago (09-10-12) Romney and team were still calling the surveys 
a 'sugar high'!
Refuse to accept post-DNC bounce as a valid bounce! 
'It won't last' they say...actually the poll numbers get better for Obama as Romney makes pre-mature comments on 9/11 and makes a spectacle of himself.
He shows what a political mongrel and a 'vote-hungry' opportunist he really is as our awesome country was somberly remembering the awful 9/11 attacks while later that same night our fellow patriots came under another attack at an American consulate in Libya.
The man is a liar and won't admit when he lies and shows no remorse whatsoever!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Patriot Day 2012: Remembering 9/11 and Holding Our Country to Higher Standards In Memory Of Thousands of Victims of That Fateful Day!!

Remembering 9/11:  In shame I mis-trust!
Today is a somber day obvious as we remember the terrible occurrences of 9/11, but it also brings to me other feelings combined with disappointment, anger and disbelief.  No, not because of the events which took place on that unforgettable day in September, those feelings are overt, the negative feelings I felt as I awoke today are associated with the cold, frozen position in which this country appears to be some 11 years later.
As I watched various news programs recanting and replaying the events of that day, I could not help but be moved by the awesomeness which drove people on that frightening day to help their fellow man after the towers were hit and fell to our dismay and when we all knew for sure it was a terrorist attack which had befallen this awesome country.  No one asked one another if they were Caucasian, Latino, Asian, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, American, European, heterosexual, gay…each person who loaned a hand despite the daunting, arduous  task staring them in the eye seeing how much tons of debris they would have to muddle through simply did so because it was the right thing to do.  No one questioned anything knowing deep down that they, too, were still in danger of getting hurt or worse.  Without a second thought they just jumped in and helped because they wanted to help their fellow man…no one gave a second thought to the idea that though they had survived the attacks that their respective lives were still in danger as they tore through the rubble to look for other possible survivors or simply to locate bodies or other forms of identification so that the loved ones would have something to bury.
I watched television today and saw various politicians, military personnel, and other people of different backgrounds and such as they paid their respects through-out different locations where the attacks occurred on that gloomy day in September - then I muted the television.  As I did as such it came to my mind, with both sadness and anger, it came to my mind that if I did not know any better and already knew that their heads were lowered out of respect for 9/11, for a moment of silence, that it could have very well been that their heads were instead lowered in shame.  Shame you might ask…why?  Simple…because so many people gave their lives on that September day so that the rest of us could live on in peace and keep living the American dream and keep fighting the good fight yet 11 years later this country finds itself at the helm of too much unnecessary turmoil!
Take the passengers of Flight 93 which crashed in the desolate field which was actually a reclaimed strip mine in Stonycreek Township near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, they shared one thing different I presume than the other ill-fated victims of the other three plane crashes that morning, they knew without a doubt what negative impact might bestow this country and each one knew of the most probable demise they were faced with, but they took action to try to regain control of their flight.  They voted and decided to take action against their captures…they stared death in the face and opted to take a stance and make their move…"Let’s roll!" was their final battle cry!  I am certain each person who took action wanted a better outcome and their actions were led by the desire to survive, but they also knew that for the betterment of thousands more on the ground that they needed to do everything they could to deny the four hijackers of their plane from causing greater harm.  The heroes of this flight also knew the dangers their plane might cause to Washington if it was allowed to crash anywhere in the area.  They selflessly tried to regain control so that government could continue to govern, so that freedom could continue to shine in this awesome country.  Their actions brave and heroic were certainly not in vain.  We owe them so much; we can never repay them for what their actions saved for the rest of us on that day. 
Eleven years later and yes Washington continues to govern but they do so on such a pathetic level.  The warm-fuzzies we all held on 9/11 and in day, weeks, months ahead of us in this nation have since passed and things are back to status quo.  Politicians on the hill are more divided than ever.  As the victims of flight 93 perished for our good, the politicians keep politicking for selfish reasons.  They have veered into cold, ugly positions where compassion, diplomacy and democracy has eluded their ways.  The right wing and left wing of politics is more divided than ever and ideas and views no longer are shared.  If it is not their way it is the wrong way no matter if the idea is actually a good one that should probably be enacted into law.  Disrespecting one another seems to be the norm and hatred and vitriol is also happenstance.  Shamefully calling for the leader of our country, our president, our commander-in-chief, to show his birth certificate and the hatred which has befallen him by his political opponents is probably not part of the ideas or ideals that the victims of flight 93 died for on 9/11.  I am still taken aback by the lack of shame, regret and remorse which has escaped so many politicians and fellow Americans every time someone or an organization curses our president referring to him many things which he clearly is not and not for; my gosh, who does such things?  Demanding to see a birth certificate of our president is so juvenile, humiliating and has only gone on to make our awesome country appear ignorant and hateful to the rest of the world.  Is this where politicians really want to take our country 'back to"; personally I vote for not just "NO" but for a "HELL NO"!  Calling our president a Muslim when in essence he is not is done in spite and to incite the hatred that many people have come to allow into their world, into their hearts post 9/11.  A group of terrorists who happened to be Muslim attacked America not the religious group as a whole, but the ignorant masses of Americans who became too radical could not see the difference.  They saw it as one thing, one group, one belief.  The same mistakes which have long plagued our awesome country during past wars was once again leading many down the wrong path in this new millennium.  Lest we forget the wrong decisions that our previous experiences and fear has caused us to make in the past.  For instance the awful and so not very Christian-like  Japanese war camps this country set-up in our own backyard during WWII, the mistreatment of thousands of Japanese-Americans during this time of war that saw many of these citizens stripped of their rights, their freedom, their possessions and separated them from their loved ones.  Negative actions like those are what faces this country once again if we do not turn from our close-minded ways and begin to really accept one another for not just who we are but for what we are and what we stand for and for the differences we all bring to the table.  We need to celebrate those differences and respect them so that we do not allow our judgment to be clouded in a manner which keeps us from doing good deeds and to make better, sound decisions for the betterment of this awesome country.   
Ultimately as the citizenry of this awesome country, we ALL need to hold our respective politicians to the same high standards or perhaps higher so that they are more afraid of not getting along because their constituency will, without the blink of an eye, vote them out of office.  Awesome would be if politicians especially senators and representatives would once again revert back to the days which Ted Kennedy once spoke about when all politicians would gather for drinks and cigars after a long battle on the hill to not only fellowship and form friendships but to decide, off the record, those difficult decisions facing them on the hill the next day or days to follow.  To simply get along and make decisions for love of country instead of allowing divisiveness to be their guiding light because being right and having their ideas become law was more important than actually bringing good ideas to fruition for the betterment of the masses.  To be better and more honorable so that the victims of flight 93, all victims of 9/11, and their legacies to never succumb to vanity for what they lost on that somber September day.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Repubs Gone Wild: Romney In Desperation Now Evokes G-d and Pat Robertson (!!?Really?!!): Forgets Economy and Still No Acknowledgement To U.S. Military in Afghanistan.

No Bounce in his poll numbers after the RNC, Romney decides to call upon G-d!
Does he seriously believe he cornered the market on G-d in this election?  
Unacceptable ideas of his continue!
What happened to talks dealing with true problems plaguing 
this awesome country of ours like jobs, health care and such!

Repubs Gone Wild: Pat Robertson the Christian Extremist: Advises Caller To Beat His Wife!

(Read More Here):
This man is old as are his ways of looking at the world, its people, its ideas, 
and the modernization of it all.  
He clearly does not agree with the Lilly Ledbetter Act - Fair Pay Bill, 
nor does he like equal rights not just for women but for people of a 
race, religion, political views, and such which oppose what he stands for and is.
Pat remains to be small-minded and hateful and so NOT
 what a real Christian should be.
Why would Romney seek such an inciter of hate, violence, and bitterness!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Repubs Gone Wild: Paul Ryan Thinks He's Exempt From Gov't Duties, Chastizes Obama For Bad August Job Report! Ms. Jackson Called, Wants To Know: "What Have You Done For Me Lately?!!"

'Stupified and Ancient': Still blaming Obama and everyone else on the "left" 
and not accepting partial blame himself!!!
H.O.R. member Paul Ryan has the nerve to complain about 
August 2012 job report being bad yet he keeps traveling the country politicking as if he isn't part
 of the government and in essence part of the slow jobs increase!
Janet Jackson called Mr. Ryan, she would like to know:
..."what have you done for me lately?!!"

Monday, August 27, 2012

Repubs Gone Wild: Romney Tells All: "I Am What I Am!"!

 August 27, 2012 10:17 AM
(CBS News) In an interview with Politico published Monday, Mitt Romney conceded that voters may think President Obama is more likable, but he reiterated that he's not going to put on a charade to win over voters.
"I know there are some people who do a very good job acting and pretend they're something they're not," Romney said. "You get what you see. I am who I am."
Romney put his touch on Popeye's famous "I yam what I yam" catchphrase three times in the 30-minute interview in defending his buttoned-up personality, according to Politico. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Don't Mess With Joe: Forget Storm Isaac, Fear Storm JOE: Decides Not To Be In Tampa During GOP Convention!

9:45 p.m. EST, August 24, 2012|The Associated Press
COLUMBUS, Ohio— Vice President Joe Biden is postponing his planned trip to Tampa, Fla., the site of the Republican National Convention.
An Obama campaign official says Biden is putting off Monday's trip in order to ensure that all local law enforcement and emergency management resources can stay focused on Tropical Storm Isaac, which could impact Florida during the convention.

Repubs Gone Wild: Todd Akin and GOP Friends, Romney and Ryan: The "New" Cavemen!

As long as Romney and Ryan do not come out and demand that the "war against women" stops, they too are just as guilty as the Todd Akins of the political world; cro magnon types, Neanderthals.  I really believe they think women should remain demure, modest, virtuous, coy, submissive, quiet, and obedient.  That as men, they know best; even in regards to topics such as health care.  They have even digressed as much as thinking they are God-like!  The stupid things the GOP has either been spewing and/or been condoning (even by saying nothing) against women's issues such as abortion, rape, contraceptives, all things they have said and gotten totally wrong has come back to bite them in the ole proverbial ass!  As the national elections get closer...GOP, women are watching, and we will remember your back-ward, ignorant, un-constitutional actions as we cast our vote(s)!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Repubs Gone Wild: Romney Finally Announces His Pick For Veep Running Mate: Paul Ryan: But Let's Not Forget Their April 3rd, 2012 "SubGate" Incident!

Republican presidential candidate, former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney, accompanied by House Budget Committee Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis, greet people and hand out submarine sandwiches during a campaign stop at a Cousins Subs fast food restaurant in Waukesha, Wis., April 3, 2012.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: SubGate
(read article here)

I first posted this story on April 4th, 2012 via this blog and several others (some not mine).