This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2011: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;
Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2007

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Politics Or Something Like It: The HERITAGE FOUNDATION -- More like the HERETIC FOUNDATION!

...Honestly, I am so sick and tired of being "sick and tired" of one Heritage Foundation (HF) and their antiquated views.  Please, HF, just go away.  What you preach and teach does no good for anyone.  It does not help women by any means; it mostly hurts us.  It just disturbs me how your panel, mostly composed of GOP women whom I have never heard of, can say such ignorant and untruthful things.  Feminism is not bad for this country.  Reports have proved otherwise that feminism has been very positive for the plight of women, not just in this awesome country of ours (yay, USA), but it has been wonderful for women all around the world.  I am a proud feminist! 
Oh, but how we women still have so much more to go to get the same respect, treatment and pay as our male counterparts, but that is a topic for another day.  Today I mainly want to focus on the HF and their misguided views and how they stupidly pass around their views for anyone who is not for the progress of women to just lap up.  Misogynistic pigs that the HF often is.  Seriously, do they just think so little of women or do they just think that we are all that stupid.  I must respond to their silly-little-views that they are so wrong.
What gets to me even more is that they have their own women spewing this nonsense around about how women should aspire to marry, have children, keep a clean home, to be submissive to their men-folk.  Yeah, right!  I have nothing against women getting married, but in doing so, I hope that they follow their own dreams.  I hope that when women do marry that they do not allow the dreams of their partner to become their own or to over-shadow their own dreams.  My hope is that for women to always marry someone that they truly love, admire and respect; a person who reciprocates their own views.     
The HF wants women to get married so that they can in turn become part of the GOP just like their husbands.  Sad-to-say, many women who do get married often lose perspective, and instead of forming their own opinions, they seek to their husbands as guides.  Blind guides I must add.  Plus, the HF hates the LGBT community and will never approve same-sex marriage.  I am a proud member of the LGBT community and for reasons I choose, I cannot support anything that stems from the HF!
I do not personally know women who have completely changed their views after they got married.  My mom was as passionate about politics and other things as I was.  She had her own views and was steadfast with those views, and she never allowed anyone, let alone her own misogynistic, GOP-loving,  brother, to dissuade her from her views.  My mom was, is and always will be my hero. 
In my family we are mostly Democrats.  I am more of a Centrist.  We seek the political party that will most benefit and protect us; for us it is the Democratic party.  Which reminds me to add that the GOP does NOT have ownership of religion, morals, financial responsibility, etc..  The left-side and the center (as I am) political spectrum all have the same ideologies.  We all want to be happy, successful, mindful, plus, we do not want to have our freedoms impeded in any manner.  The left may not be as gun-toting-happy at our friends on the right, but we do believe in our Constitutional rights "to bear arms" when done in a smart, sound manner. 
Left, right or in the middle we all want the same things in life, we just have a very different approach to obtaining it.  However, I must reiterate that we place our future in danger when certain people use their bully-pulpit(s) to try to keep people down.  The HF is in grave danger of doing such a thing to women if we do not stand up against them.
In my family we are also strong believers in education, politicking, and success.  We believe that we are all equal.  That idea stemming from our parents who encouraged us to treat everyone the same, but to never succumb to anyone or anything that tried to hold us back.  Women are very important in our family, and for that, I am proud.  A loud, proud, Latina, LGBT person.