This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2011: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;
Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2007

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Love Them Dems: 2012 First Presidential Debate: Obama Vs. Romney: Elementary My Fellow Americans, Elementary...the A, B, C's Of This Debate!

The meaning of the A, B, C's (aloof, bored, caustic) per POTUS during the first presidential debate were at first unknown to us as we saw President Obama react so nonchalantly to the lies and punches that his opponent Mitt Romney kept throwing his way.  All we knew, and I stress "we" as a member of the Centrist voters who will be voting for Mr. Obama no matter what is that we waited the entire evening for POTUS to deliver a packing punch himself.  To go for the proverbial jugular or at the least to just mention the 47% of Americans whom were disenfranchised by Romney as people he clearly did not care for, see eye-to-eye with or worry about at all.  POTUS failed to mention that as well as Bain, the terrible Medicare plan that Romney's Veep Mate has proposed which will be detrimental to the elderly.  POTUS failed to call Romney on so many lies which he (Mitt) told..."say it isn't so, POTUS!"...this was my war cry last night each time the president failed to pounce on this Judas-liar of an opponent.  
Nonetheless the evening ended with the president appearing as if he did not want to be there.  Perhaps Romney was just not his equal in his eyes therefore Mr. Obama dismissed him after all, he IS the president.  Hey, dismissive can stand for the letter "D" of the A, B, C's.  Maybe POTUS instead preferred to be spending the night with FLOTUS (Michelle) celebrating their 20th anniversary.  All I know is that POTUS was uninterested and sort of restless.
Whatever the reason for POTUS's decision to allow Romney to 'run the table' as he did could be an ingenious method and/or idea that we (the American voters, political pundits, etc.) just do not see yet.  Maybe POTUS allowed Romney to run the gamut and tell all those lies as a way to allow Mitt to further hang himself so that the "Monday morning quarterbacks" (a.k.a. media spin-masters) and fact-checkers could dwell over that and recall the untruths line by line the next day and for several days to follow until the next debate.  Maybe POTUS with-held so much so as to not appear mean-spirited himself...maybe his reserved nature was to let the pig eat like a pig.