This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2011: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;
Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2007

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Who is scarier: Legendary actor Michael Berryman or his doppelganger...Gov (R-FL) Rick Scott?!!

Obviously their physical similarities cannot be denied. Rick and Michael look like they could be twins - brothers at the least; Rick the doppelganger to Michael. I am not comparing levels of scary because of physical features. I respect the fact that Michael Berryman was born with "26 different birth defects" and as a person (myself) born with a cleft-palate and cleft-lip, I am certainly not one to poke fun at any one's birth defects. It is not nice to make fun at physical differences or such and it goes against my "golden rule" views. I am referring to levels of scary in the non-physical sense here if you get my meaning. Hoping you do.
Rick Scott is scary (politically inept) as the Florida governor who all too often takes the steep and radical stance we have come to know as the "right-wing/tea party" platform. Nothing like the Reagan-led GOP of days of old. Michael was scary as the actor whom played the part of "Pluto" in the 70s/80s cult classic The Hills Have Eyes (1977) and The Hills Have Eyes II (1985). With Michael's storied character of Pluto, you at least knew where you stood...probably going to get "offed". With Rick, you never know what is coming but you know enough to know it will not be for the betterment of the citizens (mainly the poor) and that he may not kill you or fight you "mano a mano", but his death-blow will come by way of how poorly he runs his government and his great disdain for his poor and middle-class constituents.