This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2011: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;
Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2007

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pres. OBAMA: Hate Groups - Where Were Those Groups During the "W" Reign?!!

I posted the following data to my facebook wall tonight as a means to let people know how stupid, ignorant and dangerous ones actions and words can be. I am not sure how many of my FB friends will grasp the idea behind my posting, not sure I really care; but if they want to debate it, I welcome them with open arms. My goal really was to wake some people up - for them to see what their actions and words can lead to, that they should think twice about what they do and to be accountable for it. I also hope that maybe I can get some of my FB friends to delete their membership into any of these hate groups and to view things a little differently because things now really are no worse than when "W" reigned. Our economy started to collapse during his reign and got really bad by 2007, our freedom was attacked (9/11), our freedoms were truly dimished (Patriot Act). BUT immediately following a Republican reign over the White House and a Black, Democratic President having been overwhelmingly elected, it is only Pres. Obama whom gets treated like a commie, a thief, an illegal alien, a socialist. Please spare me, people. Anyway, below is what I posted, plus, I am including the web site (they speak of the groups who are wanting Pres. Obama to die) which I was referring to via a link (its URL):

...i never, never, liked the previously 'selected' president "W", but i never wished for his death. bailouts occurred (started) during his reign, the 'patriot act' occurred under his reign, 9/11 occurred during his reign, big government was at its peak during his reign - not many good came out of his reign. hate groups, grassroots mov...ement groups were NOWHERE TO BE FOUND during his reign like now. even if a hate group existed during those grueling 8 years, no way would my consicence and morals allow me to join - they only incite hatred and violence. at most, i did join the "impeach g.w.bush group". i find groups like the one referred to via the link below and ppl who follow them quite sad and disappointing. we should be better than that. as if ppl like timothy mcveigh need anymore reason to do stupid things. BTW, Timmy did not bomb the Murrah bldg thus killing 168 innocent ppl for any cause, purpose or incident...he was just a scared, lonely, hate-filled narcissistic thug. besides, if part of his m.o. was that he was mad over the davidian incident at waco...well, timmy, let me remind you that david koresh was a child molester, a rapist and his group was stockpiling. militias like the armed forces still fall under fed law that the President is their Commander in Chief. (FYI...i fully support the right to bear arms). BTW, you seriously cannot hate the govt and love the military. the military is part of govt as are policemen, firemen, postal carriers. it is not the structure or our laws but some ppl (politicians, poli-pundits, and radicals) who make the govt bad, and we can make it good but not with violence. violence makes this a sad world to reside in, and if my post makes you indignant, don't read them anymore. it is my right to post, afterall, i am not inciting violence. be creative and post on your own wall - just don't throw stones - no one lives in glass houses, never did-never will.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Arizona: LULAC Finds New Immigration Law Unconstitutional

April 15, 2010

Contact: Lizette Jenness Olmos, (202) 833-6130 ext. 16

The law will lead to more racial profiling and discrimination.

Washington, DC – The League of United Latin American Citizens, the nation's oldest and largest Hispanic civil rights organization, will sue to block an Arizona immigration bill as unconstitutional should Gov. Jan Brewer sign it into law.
“We are horrified," said LULAC National President Rosa Rosales. "This law opens the doors to racial profiling. It requires police officers, if they form a 'reasonable suspicion' that someone is an illegal immigrant, to determine the person’s immigration status.”
LULAC is opposed to an existing program known as 287(g) allows local police to enforce federal immigration laws, contending that it has been ineffective and subject to abuse. LULAC has always opposed involving local police in immigration matters because they do not have the resources or training to enforce immigration law.
First Lady Michelle Obama in a trip to Mexico today stressed that immigration reform is necessary and that more Democrats and Republicans should support its enactment.
“We're seeing children who are trying to cross the border just to reconnect with their parents, and their family members and their lives are at risk,” said Rosales. “A strong immigration reform policy would help alleviate some of those challenges.”
Until Congress passes an immigration reform bill, states will continue to take matters into their own hands and communities and families will remain separated.
LULAC is the largest and older Hispanic Organization in the United States. LULAC advances the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, health and civil rights of Hispanic Americans through community-based programs operating at more than 700 LULAC councils nationwide. For more information on LULAC, visit