This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2011: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;
Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2007

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Massachusetts voters: Ted Kennedy is turning over in his grave!

Whether the contituents of the state of Massachusetts voted against national health-care reform or not, they did something so horrible that not even this Texan, who is a Centrist voter, is able to grasp.  Ted Kennedy spent his entire Senate lifespan trying to bring this country a good health-care system and he eventually did as such for the citizens of Massachusetts.  When  Massachusetts voted in Scott Brown to take over Kennedy's Senate Seat during this special election, they did so as a way to tell the government that enough was enough and that they did NOT like present-day health-care reform under President Obama and Congress...I don't agree, but I get it-kinda! They were afraid that the state health-care which Kennedy had given them would somehow be over-ridden by a national health-care system (bologna).  What I do not get is voting in a Republican who does not have a clear or better plan for health-care reform.  Brown merely campaigned on the stupid platform that he would vote "NO" against the health-care policy which Obama and the Dems were proposing.  Brown was giddish at bringing back the filibuster for the Reps.  Not that they may ever use it-cowards that they are.  Another thing I do not get is that the Massschusetts voters voted in someone who opposed everything that Ted Kennedy was for and who talked down against any kind of health-care and called his opponents and their ideas/views every ignorant name in the book.  The Reps don't even want to try to fix health-care - they refuse to start somewhere and improve it as we move along.  They believe it is part of the "spreading of the wealth" which they see as a threat to American Democracy and Capitalism.  They really believe that people are poor because they are lazy and have no ambition.  I am a religious person  and my core values lead me to believe that I should strive for everything I want in this life - that nothing is handed down to me on a silver platter, but that I should also lend a hand to those less fortunate than me.  Like the passage in Luke 12:48..."to whom much is given, much is expected".  I would never lessen the true problems of this country or of this world by demeaning those less fortunate by calling them awful names such as "lazy", "moochers", "thieves".  Those very terms, my dear friends, are the very terms that my Rep counterparts have long been using in trying to justify why they despise health-care reform because as hard workers, they pay for their own health-care insurance and do not see why they should have to pay for anyone else's.  They despise socialized programs/agencies but they are first in line to cash their social security checks and to take advantage of medicare/medicaid.  They despise affirmative action, but they defend a legacy.
I get that Martha Coakley was also not the ideal candidate, but a victory for her would have meant another Dem taking over Ted's Senate Seat.  She has more Kennedy ideas than what this joker, Scott Brown, does.  Martha may have spewed out a serious gaffe about Curt Schilling being a Yankee's fan.  And I really do understand that sports is important and a big part of life for residents of Massachusetts so Martha should have known Curt was a Red Sox (hero)...not to this blogger for obvious reasons.  The same way John Kerry made his gaffe about Lambeau Field during his bid at the Presidency in 2004.  He incorrectly referred to it as Lambert Field and the media had a field day with it and the voters of Wisconsin were up in arms and so offended.  John Kerry is human as Martha Coakley is...get the hell over it, people.  On any given day, Martha still knows more about health-care than Scotty.
Someone I know made a comment about how I kept referring to the Seat as a Kennedy Seat and she stated, with respect, that it was not a Kennedy Seat but rather a Massachusetts Seat.  My reply to her, and I still stand firmly, steadfast and unwaivering in my is now a "Seat of Shame"!