This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2011: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;
Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2007

Sunday, December 27, 2009

60-39: Now, let's get it right, Congress!!!

As we all know Rome wasn't built in one day.  Nor was Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid written swiftly, in a perfect manner or with everyone in total agreement.  It took a long time for all these programs to begin to serve the American public for the better and each one still has its problems.  None are perfect, but they do work way better than if they were never in existence.  They are socialist-based programs and they actually work here in the United States.  Matter of fact, our public school system is socialist-based as well.  It also serves our country better than if we did not have it.  These programs are slightly broken and need fixing, but at least we have them to begin with and to be able to build from rather than not having them.  Without any of them, this country would be in a real bind as we were without any kind of healthcare.  Both sides of the aisles of Congress better start to bend a little and meet somewhere in the middle so that this country can fix this terrible issue of so many Americans without healthcare coverage.  No one is going to die from rules or regulations in this bill and no one is going to have to pay for charges they could not afford to begin with if they don't opt for any coverage.  Let the system work as it needs to do so. 
Dear ole GOP, stop the shameful and un-necessary scare tactics you are so known for and let the citizens decide what works or does not work for them!  Your party has succombed to being the party of big government now - all the way back during all 8 painful years under "W". 
But, with that said, I will pay close attention to Pelosi, Reid and company that they don't trade too many deals with Lobbyists or members of Congress -for their respective states- that will create healthcare to suffer or to fail.  I am not 100% sure, but I never saw any member of the right-wing try to filibuster the healthcare bill; I believe they thought about doing so before the left-wing had the required 60 votes with which to stop a filibuster, but never actually did as such when the opportunity invited them to do so.  They (Reps) could have made an awesome stance had they done so instead of scaring the elderly, the poor and the uneducated as they have done so unjustly for so long.  Just like the awful "birthers" and their lame ploys at trying to convince ppl that President Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen; shame on all of you people.  Nope, not much fight in the House or Senate from the right when healthcare went in for votes and finally passed on Christmas Eve (60-39) making it what President Obama and the left-wingers are dubbing a historic vote.  Let's roll with this and see where it takes us because it can't get any worse than when we (United States) did not have healthcare.  Somethings gotta give or we (U.S.) will surely fall as the great empire it has become - just like the Roman Empire once fell...the one that wasn't built in one day but fell like it had!

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