This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2011: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;
Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2007

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Prez Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize: What Would Alfred Nobel Think

A very good friend of mine just loathes the very thought of President Obama having won the Nobel Peace Prize. In defending her point of view, she went on to blog about it on Friday night and made referrence to Obama's support of many negative organizations. Organizations such as Acorn which have recently been "called-out" after he won the Presidency. I was not too concerned about blogging about it until today when several other ppl, who are not so happy with Obama's win of the Peace Prize, starting bringing it up. I cannot stand Acorn, never have. Not sure all organizations are ever on the "up and up". I believe any org can be negatively represented because it just takes one or a few ignorant people to do something bad to taint it. Many Laureates of the Prize had their windfall orgs. World leaders as well; Geroge "W" had his windfall organizations. To add, he actually had the worst admin in U.S. history and I am personally glad he is gone. Now Americans have to regroup and make sure our great country is back on the right track to improve and to fix what the previous" regime" completely ruined for the previous 8 grueling years (before Obama). I still want the Patriot Act abolished & war crime charges enacted against respective offenders under the previous "regime". Far worse actions than what Acorn is alleged with, and as I certainly don't condone what Acorn has done, I just do not see how their (Acorn’s) actions were as detrimental to the safety & reputation of our country as what we had under “W”. I was a Hillary Clinton supporter/delegate but am behind this President, and I personally challenge him to do better. As for what President Obama has positively done to date - what makes him just a little bit deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize? I will go out on a limb to acknowledge and maybe even to remind people that he has made the world look at America - the good ole U.S.A. - in a positive light again and brought a little more safety & respect back into our corner versus how we were viewed under "W's" watch. America is stronger for extending out a hand rather than calling out the "axis of evil" and defining who was part of that axis whether our country stood alone or not. Let us continue to share the peace and not worry about who wins what prize. Thanks for your time. Best to ALL!