This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2011: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;
Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2007

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


(BTW, before I begin my poli-opus, did everyone notice the Obama's sporting black and red last night. Good sign for our Red Raiders.)...ANYWAY...FINALLY...The world's views on how ignorant and conforming American's (U.S.) can be may have just been swayed to a positive light as our voters went to the voting polls in numbers never seen before to cast their vote for "change" and to send "W" and his cronies packing. Maybe this signal was not so much against John McCain and his own sideline cronie known as Sarah Palin, but against "W" and his huge fan base of fundamentalist fools who want so much to rule this great country of ours even if it means turning it into the mush we have seen it get turned into. "W" and his "snake charmers" cannot think of the betterment of the whole country, but continue to be "self"-ish and go on ruling a government with an "each man for himself" attitude. They have indeed ruled long enough and the voters said "ENOUGH!". We took back our country yesterday in a history making effort to once again make good on our democratic values to lead the world in doing good and to rid ourselves of the former, fundamentalist's views of being righteous, contemptuous and truly ignorant.
I was never 100% on the Obama bandwagon. Everyone who knows us, knows Sara and I were unwaivering Hillary Clinton supporters. Most of our respective family members were. This made the primaries most interesting to say the least. It was truly heart-breaking and disappointing to say the least, when Hillary stopped her campaign. Even when she so eloquently and graciously gave her speech at the Dem National Convention and asked her supporters (over 18 million-a record of great proportions in itself) to cast their support and their vote of Barack Obama...we were not really ready nor convinced to do that. The thing that lead me to finally back Barack, was this country's awful financial crises of late. I thought it was kinda cool when John McCain asked a female to join his own ticket but after the days/weeks leading up to the elections, we (world) saw how not ready Sarah Palin was to be the V.P. let alone the probable President. She was not prepped, I blame McCain and his staff for that. Maybe she was set up as the "fall guy/gal" from the get-go 'just in case (wink, wink)'! Sarah was as ignorant as the bumbling idiot that resides in the white house currently. She was so sad to watch. Almost, actually, she was embarrassing...embarrassing to any intellectual person especially of the female persuation. I would have cancelled any and all my memberships to the many political clubs for women that I have joined had McCain/Palin won last night. Their victory was not to be. It was ill-fated the minute John allowed "W" to endorse him and when John started siding with "W". Something the real "John the Maverick" would never have done a few years back when he first started his indignaties with the Republican party for going against them and for talking the truth about them. The truth always hurts when it is not good. Nothing good about the Reps, folks. John really sealed the box with a rusty nail when he picked Sarah Palin. Cleary, she was never vetted no matter what the Reps say.
What a wonderful evening it would have been had Hillary been the one who was victorious last night, but this was not meant to be either. It was still a privilege to witness the first-ever elected black President. I will not take that away from Obama. He was gracious and humble. I saw it immediately from when he appeared on stage. I can clearly see why he was as this. First, he still has millions of Americans to appeal to who did not vote for him. Second, he did not win a world championship, what he won is a huge amount of problems which are plaguing this country and with more to come due to the thing we all know as a domino effect. Third, he just lost one of the great love's of his life. His Grandma whom they lovingly referred to as "Toot". A term of endearment Obama (Barry) once cut short to "Toot" from the polynesian term of "tutu" meaning grandmother. Who cannot feel badly for Obama under these circumstances. Mainly losing his grandmother on the eve of the most monumental elections of all time. I include the entire world in this.
Keeping things in perspective as Sara and I have come to understand and accept as she ventures through her grad studies in history. We have learned to enjoy history-making events, whether we agree with them or not. Last night would have been historical regardless. But we are thanking the stars that the better of the two won. We still move forward in trying to elect the first woman President (or V.P.). We will not forget but we will forgive, and we will do as "our Hillary" asked us to do and support President Obama.
When I cast my early vote last Thursday (straight Dem ticket), I reflected on everything we had endured all these long months w/primaries & caucauses and the now bad economy and how dire things were. I could not allow myself to vote for the Rep ticket nor for the Independent ticket just to try to make a statement of protest for Hillary not being on the Dem ticket for V.P. (a slap to the face of 18 mil +). No, not now, our country needs help and the Dems can get us there. The Reps can go on calling us Socialists or even Communists. But we know what we are. We are citizens trying to help each other out. We are not a greedy and egoistical brood like the Reps are who would pretend to not see a person in need so they are justified in not lending a hand; in beleieving ppl are poor because they are lazy or because they want to be poor. Democrats just don't work like that. We love one another, and we do anything we can to lend that hand. Spreading the wealth can work if done correctly. In the months/years to come, they will see it our way.
Again, congrats to this great country of ours for voting in the Obama/Biden ticket into 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Let's set aside our differences and help get our country back on the right track. Like Hillary's campagin adage said in Spanish, "Si se puede" and how Barack's own campaign mimicked the same tone in English, "Yes, we can".
History was made, now the citizens of this country need to step up to the plate and remember JFK's line of "ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country". What a euphoric world this indeed could be if everyone asked this of themselves and actually implemented it. Breaking it down even further, what a truly spectacular time it would be if we all started asking this within our families. Wow, what if we would just start it there. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...